Items where Author is "Fauzan, Fauzan"

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Number of items: 15.

Fauzan, Fauzan and Sulistyo, Sulistyo and Rita Indah Mustikowati, Rita (2016) Pengaruh Religiusitas Dan Good Governance Terhadap Ethical Behavior Dengan Ethical Climate Sebagai Variabel Mediating Dalam Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah. In: Konferensi Regional Akuntansi (KRA) III, Rabu - Kamis, 20 - 21 April 2016, Universitas Jember.

Fauzan, Fauzan (2015) Mewujudkan Ekonomi Islam Dengan Ruh Al-‘Adl (Studi Pada YaPEIM Malaysia). An-Nisbah, 2 (1). pp. 405-424. ISSN 2406-8276

Fauzan, Fauzan and Dianawati, Suryaningtyas (2014) Fundamental of Virtue on Corporate Social Responsibility (Study based on Aristotle’ Concepts and Idea). Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Surabaya, Proceeding 11th International Annual Symposium on Management (INSYMA). ISBN ISBN : 978-979-99365-8-5

Fauzan, Fauzan and Rita Indah Mustikowati, Rita (2013) Model Peningkatan Hidup Islami Melalui Good Corporate Governance : Telaah atas QS. Al-Baqarah 282. Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper: Menuju Masyarakat Madani dan Lestari, pp. 235-244. ISBN 978-979-98438-8-3

Fauzan, Fauzan and Sulistyo, Sulistyo (2013) Analysis of Empirical Model Behavior Entrepreneurship with Religiosity Approach (Studies on SMEs in Malang). American Journal of Economics, 3 (6). pp. 341-346. ISSN 2166-4951

Fauzan, Fauzan (2013) Pengaruh Good Governance terhadap Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah. STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper: Perbanas Accounting Conference (PAC) 2013. ISBN 978-602-96319-2-0

Fauzan, Fauzan and Sarwoko, Endi (2013) Pemahaman Fenomenologi Peningkatan Etika Kerja dengan Spirituality Leadership. Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper Forum Manajemen Indonesia ke-5. p. 202. ISSN 2338-994X (In Press)

Fauzan, Fauzan (2013) Pengaruh Religiusitas Pada Etika Berbisnis (Studi Pada RM. Padang Di Kota Malang). Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 15 (1). pp. 53-64. ISSN 1411-1438

Fauzan, Fauzan and Sulistyo, Sulistyo Check Similarity, American Journal of Economics, Analysis of Empirical Model Behavior Entrepreneurship with Religiosity Approach (Studies on SMEs in Malang). repository.

Fauzan, Fauzan and Sulistyo, Sulistyo Check Similarity, Proceding, Etika dan Akuntansi Islam: Telaah atas Q.S. Al-baqarah 282. repository.

Sulistyo, Sulistyo and Fauzan, Fauzan Check Similarity, Proceding, Manajemen Ketahanan Pangan di Indonesia: Telaah atas Q.S Yusuf 47-49. repository.

Fauzan, Fauzan and MUSTIKOWATI, RITA INDAH Model Peningkatan Hidup Islami Melalui Good Corporate Governance : Telaah Atas QS : Al-Baqoroh 282. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2013 Menuju Masyarakat Madani dan Lestari.

Fauzan, Fauzan and Sulistyo, Sulistyo Peer Revie, Proceding, Etika dan Akuntansi Islam: Telaah atas Q.S. Al-baqarah 282. repository.

Fauzan, Fauzan and Sulistyo, Sulistyo Peer Review, American Journal of Economics, Analysis of Empirical Model Behavior Entrepreneurship with Religiosity Approach (Studies on SMEs in Malang). repository.

Sulistyo, Sulistyo and Fauzan, Fauzan Peer Review, Proceding, Manajemen Ketahanan Pangan di Indonesia: Telaah atas Q.S Yusuf 47-49. repository.

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